Here is Internet Index #25 and the directory of all editions.
Number of e-mail messages I needed to change a name server address with
Network Solutions: 7
Number of faxes: 2
Number of phone calls: 2
number of days before the change was processed: 31
Number of US cities with greater than 50% Internet penetration among adults:
Source: Scarborough
Amount of the SEC budget reallocated by Congress to investigate financial
fraud on the Internet, in millions of dollars: 5.5
Source: US News &
World Report, 11/15/99
Number of web sites reviewed each week in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:
Source: Fort Worth Star
Number of stores at the Saint Louis (Missouri) Galleria barred from promoting
e-commerce: 170
Source: Fort
Worth Star Telegram, 11/26/99
Number of dot-com balloons in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade: 2
Estimated spending in France for Internet advertising, in millions of francs:
Source: Excite News,
Estimated percentage of US small businesses with web sites: 37
Source: Prodigy
Communication Corporation
Estimated 1999 revenues of ISP market in the US, in billions of dollars:
Source: Internet
Economy Indicators, citing IDC
Number of people sued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for
illegally offering securities for sale on eBay: 3
Source: Securities and Exchange
Rank of Microsoft for spending on Internet advertising, in 1998: 1
Rank of
Volvo: 43
Source: AdWeek
Estimated percentage of total ad agency billings from dot-com companies, from
January to October, 1999: 30
Source: New York Observer, 11/15/99
Sale price of the domain name name "", in millions of dollars:
Source: Wall Street Journal, 11/30/99
Estimated number of Internet users in China, in millions: 4
Source: The
Industry Standard, 9/27/99
Percentage of adults in the UK who use the Internet: 27
Source: CommerceNet/Nielsen
survey, 10/27/99
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