The Internet Index

Number 22
Inspired by "Harper's Index"*
Compiled by Win Treese (
31 May 1998

Here is Internet Index #22 annotated with sources and the directory of all editions.

Estimated number of web users in the U.S.: 57,037,000

Cost of the 1997 Statistical Abstract of the United States (hardcover book), in dollars: 39
Cost of the 1997 Statistical Abstract of the United States (CD-ROM, with links to Internet sites for updates), in dollars: 50

Expected year that the U.S. Census Bureau will use the Internet for the census: 2010

Number of time servers operated by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology: 7

Number of Vanderbilt students who worked on Muhammad Ali's web site: 5

Estimated number of web pages, as of April, 1998, in millions: 320

Number of live Internet chats with Koko the gorilla: 1

Number of gopher requests to the InterNIC registration services during February, 1998: 71,744
Number of phone calls to the InterNIC registration services during February, 1998: 40,476
Number of WWW requests to the InterNIC registration services during February, 1998: 17,091,774

Number of terrorist attacks in 1997 using the Internet: 1

Percentage of U.S. government agencies rated as being in full compliance with the Electronic Freedom of Information Act: 0

Percentage of articles listing e-mail addresses for authors in the May, 1998, issue of the Red Herring: 100
Percentage of letters to the editor with e-mail addresses in the same issue: 100

Number of Internet service providers in Saudi Arabia: 0

Estimated cost to businesses in Britain and Ireland of dealing with spam e-mail, in billions of dollars: 8

Percentage of chopsticks labeled with URLs at one Mary Chung's lunch: 12.5

Number of dogs I know with a URL on her name tag: 1

Copyright 1998 by Win Treese. "Harper's Index" is a registered trademark of Harper's Magazine Foundation. Send updates or interesting statistics to

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