The Internet Index

Number 18
Inspired by "Harper's Index"*
Compiled by Win Treese (
16 April 1997

Here is Internet Index #18 and the directory of all editions.

Number of hits on during the blizzard of 4/1/1997: 3,123,787
Source: Boston Globe, 4/2/97

Number of priests in Catholic Priests On Line on AOL: 30
Source: Boston Globe, 3/30/97

During 1996, percentage of 1-800-FLOWERS'S online sales that came via the Web: 55
Percentage of online 1-800-FLOWERS customers who are male: 62
Source: Retail Technology, March, 1997, on 1-800-FLOWERS

Percentage of Boston Public Library computers equipped with software to block offensive Websites: 59
Source: Boston Globe, 3/29/97

Estimated total Internet advertising revenues in 1996: $266.9 million
Percentage of total spent for advertising computer products: 38
Source: Coopers & Lybrand study, reported in Web Week, 3/31/97

Estimated number of new jobs created by the Internet in 1996, worldwide: 1.1 million
Source: ITAA study reported in Web Week 3/31/97

Number of Internet millionaires listed on the Internet millionaires page: 88
Source: Internet Millionaires Page

Number of sites on the 6bone (the IPv6 testbed): 125
Number of countries on the 6bone: 20
Source: 6bone Home Page

Number of subscribers to the A.Word.A.Day mailing list: 68,355
Source: A.Word.A.Day home page

Percentage of ads containing URLs in the first 20 pages of Good Housekeeping (March 1997): 54

Number of languages for the Vatican Website: 6
Source: The Vatican

According to Nielsen, estimated percentage of people over 16 in the U.S. and Canada who use the Internet: 23
Source: CommerceNet/Nielsen survey

Number of mailing lists in the directory: 71,618
Source: Liszt, the mailing list directory

Copyright 1997 by Win Treese. "Harper's Index" is a registered trademark of Harper's Magazine Foundation. Send updates or interesting statistics to

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