Here is Internet Index #17 annotated with sources and the directory of all editions.
Number of times President Clinton mentioned the Internet in the 1997 State of the Union address: 6
Number of times he mentioned it in the 1996 address: 0
Number of State of the Union addresses carried live on the Internet: 1
Percent change in Hambrecht & Quist's Internet stock index for 1996: -16
Percentage of domain registrations required to pay for the service that have done so: 51.1
Approximate number of new domain name registrations, per month: 85,000
Rank of Ford among Web advertisers, in estimated dollars spent, August, 1996: 18
Rank of Microsoft: 1
Number of people who worked on the NFL's Super Bowl Web site: 35
Number of entries in Boardwatch magazine's Directory of Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 3,068
Average number of customers at an ISP: 1,850
Number of "Internet search engines" ordered to remove references to a domain name as a result of a trademark lawsuit: 25
Number of Boston Public Library branches: 26
Percentage connected to the Internet: 100
Number of new top-level domain names to be added for the Internet: 7
Approximate number of entries in the 1996 Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists: 1,700
Number of colleges and universities which are charter members of the Internet II project: 98
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