Here is Internet Index #15 annotated with sources and the directory of all editions.
Number of Brazilian orphans to be available for adoption on the Internet: 48
Number of e-mail address entries, per person, on the MIT alumni contribution form: 2
Number of ill chess players rescued after calling for help on the Internet: 1
Number of entries in Maclean's magazine Internet directory, 9/2/96: 7
Number of US states with "wanted lists" of child support offenders on the Internet: 7
Percentage of comics in the Boston Globe with Internet addresses: 63
Percentage of the first 20 ads in the October '96 Scientific American with Web addresses: 75
Percentage of the first 20 ads in the October '96 Scientific American with toll-free numbers: 70
Percentage of the first 20 ads in the October 7, 1996, Business Week with Web addresses: 60
Percentage of the first 20 ads in the October 7, 1996 Business Week with toll-free numbers: 80
Percentage of online users who prefer to remain anonymous when visiting Websites: 60
Amount, in millions of dollars, President Clinton proposes to spend for expanding Internet capacity at universities: 500
Amount, in millions of dollars, Microsoft spends to plan promoting MSN in the next 12 months: 100
Number of visitors to NetAction's Internet kiosk near the San Francisco Civic Center during one week: 100
Number of volunteers who staffed the kiosk: 26
Number of e-mail messages to the FBI about the crash of TWA Flight 800 in the first eleven days after the crash: 900
Maximum prison term, in years, for possessing an unauthorized modem in Myanmar (Burma): 15
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