Here is Internet Index #7 and the directory of all editions.
Percentage increase in number of hosts in Europe during March, 1995: 11
Source: RIPE NCC
Number of people requesting information from Fidelity Investments over the Internet in March and April: approx. 250,000
Average number of requests, per person: 4
Percentage of overall fund inquiries that came in via the Internet: 5.5
Source: Boston Globe, 27 April 1995, citing Fidelity sources
Time, in minutes, to download America Online's web browser (at 14.4 Kbits/sec): 25
Source: Newsbytes News Service, article
Average number, per hour, of new subscribers to NETCOM over the past year: 11
Source: Newsbytes News Service, article
Number of books about love and sex on the Internet: 5
Source: personal count
Suggested donation, in dollars, for subscribers to the inet-marketing mailing list: 25
Source: inet-marketing list
Percentage increase in number of hits on FEMA web server in the week following the Oklahoma City bombing: 150
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Number of web pages indexed by the Lycos Internet catalog: 3.6 million
Source: Lycos
Number of WWW servers known to Lycos: 23,550
Source: Lycos
Number of subscribers to NiftyServe: 1 million
Source: NiftyServe is an online service in Japan
Number of subscribers to CompuServe in Europe: 300,000
Source: Newsbytes News Service, article
Percentage of NSFNET traffic from WWW during March, 1995: 19
Source: Merit
Number of users on the Internet: No one really knows
Number of Internet Draft documents issued in March, 1995: 142
Source: Internet Monthly Report
Number of new domain requests, per working hour, handled by InterNIC Registration Services in March, 1995: 37
Source: Internet Monthly Report
Number of Massachusetts localities with domains registered in March, 1995: 92
Source: Internet Monthly Report
Number of Norwegian television shows with a WWW home page: 4
Source: Jon A. Lovstad (
Rank, by traffic volume, of cards.marketplace: 12
Source: Brian Reid, DEC Network Systems Lab, posted to news.lists
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